URL: https://ai.influenza.spb.ru/rest
Request method: POST
To call a remote procedure, the client needs to make a «REST request» to our server and send data in the JSON format of an object with three required properties:
• method
— string with the name of the called method;
• params
— an array of data that should be passed to the method as parameters;
• id
— a value of any type for setting a correspondence between a request and a response.
In response, the server will send the result of the remote procedure execution in the JSON format of an object with three required properties:
• result
— data returned by the method or null
, if an error occurred;
• error
— an error code if an error occurred during the execution of the method, otherwise null
• id
is the same value as in the request to which this response belongs.
method: "fptest"
— determination of the likelihood of a patient having stages 3-4 of liver fibrosis according to the METAVIR scale. The method accepts an array of 9 parameters: patient age (years), patient height (cm), patient weight (kg), platelet level (10⁹/L), ALT level (U/L), AST level (U/L), level GGT (U/L) and total bilirubin level (μmol/L).
Example: params: [35, 185, 85, 240, 24, 20, 15, 17]
method: "steatosis"
— determining the probability of a patient having grade 1-3 hepatic steatosis. The method accepts an array of 11 parameters: patient gender (0 — male, 1 — female), patient age (years), patient height (cm), patient weight (kg), hepatitis C virus genotype (0 — not genotype 3, 1 — genotype 3), AST level (U/L), left liver lobe thickness (mm), oblique liver size (mm), pancreatic head thickness (mm), pancreatic body thickness (mm), and pancreatic tail thickness (mm).
Example: params: [0, 35, 185, 85, 1, 45, 88, 140, 19, 16, 20]
method: "covid_19_predict"
— determining the likelihood of prolonged (more than 10 days) inpatient treatment of a patient with COVID-19. The method accepts an array of 10 parameters: patient age (years), patient height (cm), patient weight (kg), SpO уровень level (%), number of days from the onset of the disease (days), pulse rate (bpm), respiratory rate (bpm), systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) and body temperature (0 — "less than 38 °C", 1 — "38 °C and more").
Example: params: [35, 185, 85, 98, 5, 64, 110, 70, 1]
The result
object contains two properties:
• output
— calculation index of the method;
• cutOffValue
— cut-off value.